日期:2月5日 周三
时间:10am - 3pm
地点:Okanagan College, Centre for Learning 楼
1000 K. L. O. Rd, Kelowna, BC V1Y 4X8

Okanagan College 举办的第12届Business Expo & Employment Fair招聘会将于2月5日周三在Kelowna校区进行。本次招聘会是和Accelerate Okanagan联办。有超过75家政府机构、组织、企业参与本次招聘会,行业包括wine, law enforcement, hospitality, finance, construction, technologies, retail 等等。本次招聘会有很大部分科技行业的企业参与。
>“We’re calling it Tech Alley,” event co-ordinator Jamie Morrow said in a press release. “And the goal is to really shine a light on the booming tech sector we are so fortunate to have in the Okanagan. Given the college’s focus on technologies, the fact that we’re training students for these careers, from business to computer science to engineering technologies, it’s obviously a natural fit for what we do.
